

At A Dementia Friend, we offer variety of gratis/donation based programs that enrich the lives of those living with dementia. Discover the joy and connection in each of our unique programs.

Please refer to our FaceBook page for program cancellations or alterations. We regularly update there!

Arboretum Gardens: Keep Growing

AIM: To visit, enjoy and experience the auditory, tactile and olfactory sense of the growing environment at the Arboretum Gardens, the goal includes learning something new and recalling something old about horticulture.

PROGRAM CONTENT: The monthly visits’ themes include a garden visit and a plant or garden technique talk. Program closes with a take home activity in the Ability Garden.

PROGRAM GOAL: Provide pleasure, some learning, and social engagement. Ignite a new interest or flame the familiar hobby of gardening. Reassure one’s ability and personal value. Create something that can be shared by others. Allow the program to bring pleasure in exploration.

Each session typically meets at the Arboretum the 1st Monday of the month 10:30 am until 12 noon.

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Praise and Purpose

Praise and Purpose

AIM: To foster a time to worship and magnify God despite a diagnosis of dementia. Worship is a soul event important to all. Faith memories are rarely lost with dementia. Reciting hymns and verses provides personal encouragement despite the disease.

PROGRAM CONTENT: To assure impact individually the program ill focus on God’s love, His peace and His Presence.

PROGRAM GOAL: To gather mid-week for encouragement and fellowship. To recall truths learned in the past to cling onto in the present. We join together in like mind to experience God and honor Him.

PROGRAM FOCUS VERSE: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22 ESV

Each session typically meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at Seagate Baptist Activity from 10:30am until 12 noon.

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Creativty Through Harmony

AIM: Use Art and Music to express the soul, release anxiety, and discover a creative ability from a not as degenerated right side of one’s brain. The key is in the process and production. The finished product provides accomplishment and reaffirms ability someone often doesn’t know they possess.

PROGRAM CONTENT: Each week highlights a different watercolorist or technique.

PROGRAM GOAL: Provides pleasure, some learning and social engagement. Reassure ability and personal value. Creates something that can be shared by others and one’s self. Allows for the release of the hold dementia places on the thought process. The group enjoys the music in the moment and the memory evoked which they can share with one another.

Each program varies, contact us for information.

Get Creative
Seniors taking a group selfie

Meet and Remember

AIM: These engagements combine elements from Memory Café models and Cognitive Stimulation Therapy. Social group engagement works to stimulate the mind and push areas of neurological connection in the brain. Each engagement holds to themes but is adjusted by the engagement of the moment.

PROGRAM CONTENT: Each month’s content coincides with the season or celebrations within the month. Questions focus on exploring sensory elements...sight, sounds, touch, smell, taste. Memories are encouraged and shared. Music is used to prompt thought. Program content will also revolve around travel and life experiences.

PROGRAM GOAL: Provide pleasure, some learning, social engagement. Reassure ability and personal value. Allow the program to bring a moment of light in the eye, a smile on the face, an emotional memory, and the comment “That was fun: let’s come again.”

Each program varies, but typically meets the 4th Thursday of the month at the NE Library, 10:30am until 12 noon. Additional locations to follow.

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One on One Engagements

ADF delights in working specifically with families to provide resources. We assist with schedules, review living space for successful dementia functionality and establishing “meaningful engagement” specific to the loved one for daily use. We pleasure in working both with family and care givers.

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One on One